Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Republicans Obama= God 1

From a comment to a news story...


I wonder where their Messiah is..."

Only the republicans refer to Obama as god-like...how come they don't get offended when Palin refers herself as Ester? 

Prediction 1 - Republicans Accuse Obama of Politicking 9/11...But Cheney Can Release His Book

Obama will be accused of hijacking 9/11 for re-election purposes, but no outcry will be made as Cheney touts his book a week before 9/11...some things can wait.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene, An Act of God


Bachmann says God wants politicains to start paying attention.

Would it be more plausible if God caused Hurricane Irene and the destruction to force us to help others...
because we whine and accuse others too much?  Maybe we should devote more funds to "lift all boats".

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ignorant Republicans !

From a letter to the Editor..
"Special favors warguy says, does that include the President's saving of GM and Chrysler? Yes, I agree that was a special favor to the UAW and, by the way, a special favor to Americans everywhere."

Bush bailed out the car companies...not Obama

Friday, August 26, 2011

John Yoo is Determined to be Right


"...One can argue over the costs, or about the benefits of any individual intervention, but the spreading of democracy, freedom, and markets through persuasion, coercion, and sometimes force provides a principled foreign policy that is consistent with America’s greatness in the past and continues our exceptional role in the world in the future..."

The cost of dead soldiers for a war we started (in Iraq) against a country that did not invade us, based on the
idea that Hussein was tied to bin laden, when one is Shia  and one is shiite. 

Rumsfield Throws Powell and the Troops Under the Bus


Fox News: We Censor You Decide


Two and 1/2 unbroadcasted minutes of Karl Rove (not the gambler...that's Bennett) speculating on why Sarah Palin went to iowa and premiered her movie there...

"...I  thought that part of that was that she wanted to get more attention to herself but I guess, I guess that’s wrong. I guess that she wanted less attention so she did those things. I don’t know. It’s weird. Very odd..."

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Perry Willingham


"...the absolute insanity of a situation where someone with Perry's record can be thought of a "serious" candidate. The man was complicit in covering up the truth about the execution of an almost-certainly innocent man. That's outrageous, and should be disqualifying. But it's not, which says a hell of a lot about American political culture. ..."

Republicans Taxes 2 They Want to Raise Them


"...a desire to boost economic growth under Republican presidents. Republicans are willing to support demand-side stimulus if a fellow Republican occupies the White House, but doing the same thing under a Democratic president is merely to stimulate his reelection prospects..."

"In any case, this does seem to be an incredibly powerful political message for Democrats, one they ought to highlight from now until the election in order to demonstrate the real nature of the GOP's position on taxes."

Republicans Taxes They Want to Raise Them


But they’re not. House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) declared on Fox News over the weekend that he’s opposed to a payroll tax cut extension because “it would simply exacerbate our debt problems.”
Republicans have declared countless times that allowing taxes to go up when the economy is weak would be a disaster, and yet, here we are.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This Column is Full of Maybes


"...he's probably thinking...""...I wonder if...""...he feels..."

Too bad she didn't analysis W when she worked for him...why she is given a column is a crime...



Just a small feel for how San Franiscans feel...I felt the wobble, but nowhere near the epicenter...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011

Taking Vacations, Gives Them Something to Whine About


"...he still gets regular briefings, is in touch with his advisors, and there’s Air Force One if he needs to hop a quick flight back to the White House..."

Of course...but the republicans get to play the victim card again...Why give them the ammo...Just stay at the White House be seen working...geesch!...and get advisors that recommend American-made 'buses'...if there are any...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bachmann Associates with Terrorists


Myron Bolitar Movie: The Cast

If there was a movie about MB Reps, who would play the roles?

Myron Bolitar: Vince Vaughn (I am not a big fan of his, but he seems to be able to play a big lunky/hobbled ex-athlete)

Win: Although he is described as blond/blue eyed...Justin Theroux would be a good pick 

Esperanza: J. Lo, Salma Hayak

Big Cindy: Monique

Loren Muse DA : Kiera Knightly

Girlfriend in Angola: Reese Witherspoon

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Dude Abides

Cast Re-union of one of the funniest, altered-minded movies of all time... 


Ron Paul Not Speaking the Party Line


Ron Paul...The Tea Parties Grass Root...

Bachmann Elvis Overdrive

"Before we get started, let's all say happy birthday to Elvis Presley today!" Bachmann said.
But Aug. 16 is the anniversary of Elvis' death, in 1977, and someone in the crowd shouted back, "He died today!"


Keep the Meme Going...They Do!


Delusional: Rick Perry Thinks Bernanke's a Democratic Operative

"...And he believes that Bernanke's attempts to prevent a Second Great Depression are partisan politics, and an attempt to rig the election. He seems to think, in other words, that the man who was the head of George W. Bush's Council of Economic Advisers and was appointed to Fed Chairman by George W. Bush is somehow a Democratic party operative trying to win the election for Obama..."



Treasonous: Rick Perry "Blesses" Texan's desire to Secede

Instead of being "resolute" to the idea that "...those whom God has so joined together,  let no man put asunder.”
 (Mark 10:9),
Perry says they may start thinking about it...twice!!!

" ...you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot too..."


“...And one of the deals was, we can leave anytime we want. So we’re kind of thinking about that again...”



Friday, August 12, 2011

Name One Thing



If we decided to build a couple of new carriers, thousands of workers would be hired for the shipyards.  Thousands of employees would be hired for the steel mills that would provide the steel for the hull and various sub contractors would hire thousands.  Do you know what that means?
It means they would receive paychecks and go out and spend that money.  That would help a recovery.  That is a shovel ready project!



Sarah Palin raised the state oil tax. Her central achievement as governor was signing a law, Alaska's Clear and Equitable Share (ACES), that dramatically increased the state's share of oil profits just as oil prices began to take off. There's a direct line between increased revenue and improved fiscal health.
